Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Guys and Girls

1- Guys drink to forget about girl.
- Girls drink to think back about the guy.
2- Guys can forget, but cannot forgive.
- Girls can forgive, but cannot forget.
3- Guys care the most about the quantity of love.
- Girls care the most about the quality of love.
4- Guys break-up when they feel love from another girl.
- Girls break-up when they feel the feeling of separation from her man.
5- Guys feel towards all girls.
- Girls feel curiosity towards guys who is interested in her.
6- When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl.
- When girls are heartbroken, they try go find his characteristics from another guys.
7- Guys wish to be her first love.
- Girls wish to be his last love.

The Meaning of Rose

1 Rose = Exceptional love all concentrated on you.
2 Roses = Two of us deeply in love.

3 Roses = I love you.

6 Roses = I want to be yours.

9 Roses = Love each other eternally.

11 Roses = You are the one I love most in my life.

12 Roses = Satisfactory union and mutual affinity.

13 Roses = Secret admirer.

24 Roses = Remember fondly every moment (24 hours cannot forget you).

33 Roses = Saying "I love you" with PROFOUND LOVE.

36 Roses = Feeling romantic attachment because you come to me.

44 Roses = Constant unchangeable pledge.

50 Roses = This is "Regretless Love".

56 Roses = My love.

66 Roses = Successful love affair.

99 Roses = Love with understanding makes love eternal.

100 Roses = Harmonious union in a century, remain a devoted couple ’till ripe-old age.

101 Roses = No other love but you.

108 Roses = Please marry me!

111 Roses = Eternal love.

123 Roses = Free love.

144 Roses = Loving you day and night eternally

365 Roses = Thinking of you everyday, love you everyday.

999 Roses = Everlasting and eternal love.

1001 Roses = Faithful love, ’till forever

Monday, December 21, 2009

10 R’s to Apply if you Want to Succeed

To help you remember it, the framework is simply called 10 R’s to Success.There are essentially 10 elements to the framework. In the description to follow, I’ll use the word “problem” but you may substitute it with “goal”, “challenge” or “objective” . These are all interchangeable and equally applicable in this context.
Here is how it works:
1. Realistic
If you’re anything like me and have read self-help books before, you’d find that sometimes when you finish one of these books, you’d feel like you can walk through fire and conquer the world. Whilst that’s not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes it can be a little dangerous. Unrealistic goals and expectations can lead to failure and disappointment.
This is why I’ve set being Realistic the most important element of the framework. It wraps the other elements and serves as a reminder that throughout the process, we have to be brutally honest with ourselves about what we are trying to do, whether it is attainable or not and what’s really involved.
2. Realise
The precursor to any change is Realising a change is required. For me, this is typically personified by the “Ah ha” moment. That is, the moment when something inside just clicks by magic and I realise there’s a problem and something needs to be done.
Based on my experience, this is really the first step in the whole process. If we don’t know whether a change is required or not, either nothing would change or something would change but not by choice or conscious effort. The net result of this is we’re left letting the Universe dictate our happiness.
3. Recognise
The Recognise step comes immediately after Realise. It is about identifying what the problem is truly about and whether there are any parallels we can draw from based on our past experiences and circumstances. I find problems are seldom completely unique. If I were to break a problem down, there are always similarities with other things I’ve done before. Recognise is the step in which we try to figure out what the problem is about and whether we’ve solved similar things before.
4. Reframe
Sometimes, our initial assessment of a problem can be incorrect. Often, I find this is because the problem is poorly defined. Reframing is the feedback step which allows us to restate the problem in a different way and in doing so perhaps Realise and Recognise the problem as something else entirely. This can sometimes cast a problem in a different light and present a solution which may otherwise not be obvious.
5. Respond
Although Respond is depicted as the next step which comes after Recognise, it doesn’t really occur until the problem is fully Realised, Recognised and Reframed (if necessary).
Respond is an action step. It is about taking the problem we have identified and working at the action items until the problem is resolved. I find using solutions I have applied to similar issues, keeping things positive and other great problem solving nuggets to be useful here.
6. Review
Have we actually resolved the issue? That’s a question we should always ask, even though it may seem obvious for simple problems. Review is the time we do this and it’s important because without it, we may never learn from our mistakes or know if our solution has done the job or not. If we aren’t satisfied for whatever reason, we will need to Repeat a few things.
7. Repeat
Repeat is the step which we follow if for whatever reason the solutions we have put in place does not meet all the requirements we have identified.
I find as I work on a problem, my initial assumptions can be incorrect. For these cases, I repeat the Recognise step to redefine and potentially reframe the problem. Sometimes also, I may need to re-execute and re-implement for no other reason than me making mistakes the first time through. For these cases, I simple Respond again.
8. Reflect
Reflection is similar to Review in the sense that we are comparing what we’ve done against what we have set out to do. Whilst Review is focused mainly on the problem itself, Reflect is about matching what we’ve done against our overall mission statement and goals in life.
I’ve always believed that life is too short to be doing things that are not congruent to our life’s goals. Reflection is the step in which we pause for a second to ask if we’re doing the right thing. If we aren’t perhaps we need to reassess our position and change.
While this isn’t a step we need to do all the time, I find it pays to do it occasionally simply because sometimes we can work in auto-pilot, get bogged down with the realities of life and forget what’s really important to us.
9. Reward
I described this step in the original post about the 5 steps to accomplishing your goals and I’ll briefly reiterate it here. If you have met all the requirements of the problem and are measuring well against your overall goals, then reward yourself. This is an important step because it helps to keep us motivated. As with the other steps, ensure your Rewards are Realistic!
10. Renew
The final element in the framework is Renew. Renew is essentially using the results of the work you have just done and the things you have just achieved as a motivator for new and more ambitious goals. Use it as a launching platform to set your sights to new things which may not have seem possible or Realistic before.
In conclusion
Life is a continuous process of discovery and learning. We only stop doing either of these when we die. At this very moment, you are discovering new things, experiencing interesting events, learning and growing constantly. For any given problem, challenge or goal, pause for a moment and identify which step you’re at. The great thing is you don’t have to start at the beginning of the flow. Just start applying the 10 R’s to Success based on where you’re at right now, irrespective of the problem.
I hope what I’ve written makes sense. I don’t think I’ve fleshed it out as well as I could have in this article. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. If you can, please provide me with some input on what works and what doesn’t based on your own experiences, so I can incorporate your suggestions and improve the overall effectiveness of the framework for one and all.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Fish

The Royal Palace

I have been to Museum and I also went to the Royal Palace with my classmates on Friday/11/December/2009.The Rayal Palace is the most beautiful building in Phnom Penh city, with its exquisite Khmer architecture.It was erected in 1866 with the work overseen by the French. The Palace fronts Samdach Sothearos Boulevard between road 184 and 204.It has funtioned as the official resident of King Norodom Sihaknouk.The Palace is open to the public everyday except Moday from 8.00 t011.00AM and from 2.00 to 5.00PM.The Entry fee is $2 it not quite expensive. There are any areas not allowed to visit because some areas within the orage-walled compound include the King's quarter.In around this temple have alot of fish, they are so cute and I like them so much and it also the most interesting place all of places in the Rayal Palace.

A Woman Should Have

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …enough money within her control to move outand rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE…something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE…a youth she’s content to leave behind…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE…a past juicy enough that she’s looking forward toretelling it in her old age…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE…a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE…one friend who always makes her laugh… and one who lets her cry…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE…a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE…eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE…a feeling of control over her destiny…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…how to fall in love without losing herself…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…that she can’t change the length of her calves,the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…that her childhood may not have been perfect… but its over…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…what she would and wouldn’t do for love or more…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…how to live alone even if she doesn’t like it…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…whom she can trust,whom she can’t,and why she shouldn’t take it personally…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…where to go…be it to her best friend’s kitchen table…or a charming inn in the woods…when her soul needs soothing…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…what she can and can’t accomplish in a day…a month…and a year…

Sunday, December 13, 2009

5 tips to overcome sadness

We all feel sad at times and if anyone disagrees we would classify them as a stone or a non-living thing. But, once you experience sadness for a short period of time, you also should know how to make yourself cheerful. Whatever be the loss, life must go on. There are plenty of good things in life that you must look forward to.
Here are few tips to forget your sadness and become cheerful.
1. Find out the real reason why you are feeling sad
Most of the time why we feel sad is because we don’t accept a thing that has happened. Loss of a someone or not getting a thing what we wish is often the reason that makes us sad. Instead of questioning ‘why it always happens to me’, accept the fact that it is gone or you are not getting that now. Accept the failure, it is OK to fail. You can always try next time. Accept the thing that happened, feel sadness at present and move on.
2. Talk to a trustworthy person about it
Talking about a sad thing, releases lot of stress. May be people have already undergone the thing that you are currently experiencing. Talk to a person whom you can trust, and share your sad feelings. If the person really cares about you, they will listen to you and may suggest you some ways to overcome it. But, trust me, just talking about a pain enormously reduces the pain.
3. Write / talk / paint your feelings
Most often not expressing your feelings and having them trapped inside you makes things complex. Your sadness no way to escape from yourself and you might feel sad all the way. I don’t know about you, but I like writing and writing about what makes me feel sad, how I would envision my future, liberates the sadness. You can talk to yourself or paint your feelings with colours, go back to your hobby until you forget the surroundings and truly immerse yourself into the work that you do.
4. Check your body; change your physiology
Anthony Robbins who wrote Personal Power used to say that by changing your physiology, you can change how you feel. It is instant, stand erect with a good straight posture and immediately you will feel you are feeling better. Go for a good walk or go for a swim which will immediately release your sad feelings because, your mind is occupied on the steps that you take or the strokes you make.
5. Take a break
If everything else fails and you are still not overcoming the grief or sadness, take a break. Stop the way you usually live, break the routine and go for a place where you have never been. Meet some strangers those you have never met before.
All the best for forgetting your sadness and becoming cheerful again.

8 Reasons why Laughter is good for you

Life would be boring if one spends his/her lifetime worrying about everything. Life is too precious to spend your time worrying. Laughter is the best medicine available for all ages and there is only one side effect, which is it will entertain the people surrounding you. No one will be friendly with you if you are always worried about something.
1. Laugh every now and then and you will feel young at heart. Your stress will vanish and you won’t have any health problems, as laughter boosts your immune system.
2. With laughter, you can easily make friends. You will be seen approachable in a party if you sport a constant smile.
3. Laughter improves your self-esteem and gives you confidence and relaxed. Your problems will seem trivial to you and you can tackle them well.
4. Laughter can spark your creativity levels and help you to produce fresh ideas. It can sharpen your memory skills.
5. With laughter, you can strengthen relationships. The one you can’t laugh with won’t be a good life partner for you.
6. Laughter is a good way to exercise your facial muscles. It is proven that laughing more will keep your face fresh and young.
7. By laughing often, you will spread a good vive around you which will effect everyone surrounding you. Whether people understand or not, they will feel better if you are around with laughter.
8. Laughter is associated with romance. Girls always like a boy who can make them laugh and face any problem with humour in heart.

4 Reasons why you should eat fresh food

Eating right and eating in right quantities is theonly way to be healthy. By the way, what is good
food, anyway? Good food is the food that will notproduce any ill-effects for your body. You will feel fresh and healthy when you eat, will give sufficient energy when you finished eating. Everyoneis unique and has different dietary needs.Fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts agenerally considered as good food. Here are few reasons why you should eat right food.
1. Eating fresh food will keep your health – you know how you feel after eating a double-layered-cheese pizza. Tired and overly stressed more than that,stuffed. Eating fresh food keeps your skin shiny, healthy and naturally you will have a youthful, good look.

You would like to keep yourself healthy, don’t you?Choose your food carefully to live healthy
2. Eating fresh food is enjoyable – eating fresh food is a very pleasant experience.

Nutritious food always makes you feel happy
because you know you are eating good foodand that will make you happy.
3. Eating fresh food is environment-friendly – when you try to eat uncooked food or minimally cooked food, you are not using much energy to cook. So, you can reduce your energy bills and will learn to live an environment-friendly way.
4. Eating fresh food is easy – you won’t need to spend time in cooking (frying, steaming).
Just make a plate of salads by cutting fresh vegetables, add some salt and seasoning, your
meal is ready. You will start enjoying such fresh food.

7Ways to manage stress

Stress has become a biggest part of everyone’s life. Stress can be due to physical, emotional
or mental challenges. You can’t avoid being stressful but, you can handle stress toovercome the ill-effects of being stressful.
1. Become physically active – get up and walk or run, by changing your physical state, you can instantly relive your stress.
2. Laugh – listen to a joke or tell a joke to someone.Laugh together. Laugh until your face hurts (nearly).
3. Listen to kids – watching a baby smile or listening to a story told by a kid will make your stress vanish.
4. Express how you feel – talk about your feelings, write about them or paint them. Just let it out how you feel.
5. Simplify – may be you are pushing yourselftoo much, so take a break and simplify things.
Sometimes it is a smart job to walk away from a stressful deal or work.
6. Eating right – eating fresh food is believed to release your stress. Don’t ever do the mistake
of cramming yourself with fast foods, when you are stressed.
7. Be with Friends and Family – developsome relationships that will make you forget
all your worries; put you into a comfortable state.